Website: FluxCP Control Panel
1. Register a new account to your FluxCP Website.
Server Side: Database
1. Login to your phpMyAdmin ( e.g. "http://" ).
2. Find and click your Ragnarok database called "ragnarok".
3. Find and click the table called "login".
4. Find your newly registered account and click "edit" then change the "group_id" from 0 to 99 (admin).
Client Side: for GM Sprite
1. Open your clientinfo.xml inside your RO GRF with an editor ( ex: notepad++).
2. Here we have added the three ids (e.g. 2000000, 2000001, 2000002) to have GM Sprites<?xml version="1.0" encoding="euc-kr" ?><clientinfo><servicetype>korea</servicetype><servertype>sakray</servertype><connection><display>YourRO</display><balloon></balloon><desc></desc><address>(your-IP-Address)</address><port>6900</port><version>30</version><langtype>1</langtype><registrationweb></registrationweb><yellow><admin>2000000</admin><admin>2000001</admin><admin>2000002</admin></yellow><aid><admin>2000000</admin><admin>2000001</admin><admin>2000002</admin></aid></connection></clientinfo>
You should add your additional ids to the list in the format as above ( ex: 2000000).