This is the easiest way, First make sure you install the winSCP. When your winscp is available just open it and enter your server ip(Primary) with your root user and password.
Click YES
The left box is the files/folders on your computer and on the right box is your vps folders/files
On this guide I will show you how to replace an existing file but first let us browse your ea folder
As you notice there is red square above the image just click that and then you will see now the result below, please notice
you will see the home folder, just double click the home folder
To replace a file go inside your ea folder, we will replace for example we are going to replace the file name char_athena.conf, now just open that folder on the right box /home/ea/conf/
see image below(notice the left box is already browse to where my conf folder is) then click the char_athena.conf press ctrl then left click on the char_athena.conf in the left box
When replacing a file it MUST be on the same directory. Notice the above image!
To replace, click the F5 Copy button and then it will pop up click Copy
Click Yes to replace that file.
Your Done.
To exit press the X above the winSCP or press F10 Quit button to exit/quit!
All done.